A full-service mold maker and injection molder, providing parts to a diverse set of industries

A history of craftsmanship

Since 1952

A full-service mold-making and plastic injection molding company that provides parts to a diverse set of industries.

A History of Craftsmanship In Mold Building

Since 1952

We specialize in low volume, tight tolerance molding of engineering and commodity grade thermoplastic resins.

We have a strong focus on quality, continuous improvement, superior customer service, and engineering. This allows us to provide cost-effective, high quality products.

  • Engineering

  • Machining

  • Injection Molding

  • Quality

For over three generations we have evolved into one of the largest professional mold making and plastic injection molding companies in the Pacific Northwest.


We specialize in low volume, tight tolerance molding of engineering and commodity grade thermoplastic resins.

We have a strong focus on quality, continuous improvement, superior customer service, and engineering. This allows us to provide cost-effective, high quality products.

  • Engineering

  • Machining

  • Injection Molding

  • Quality

Over three generations we have evolved into one of the largest professional mold making and plastic injection molding companies in the Pacific Northwest.


Serving a wide array of industries

We pride ourselves in having a highly qualified and experienced team who can work with virtually any customer, in any industry. Our job is to make sure our customer’s idea or concept becomes a reality.

  • Manufacturing

  • Life Sciences

  • Technology

  • Consumer

  • Agribusiness

Your one stop source for quality tooling and molded parts, made in the U.S.A. H & H Molds is a company you can trust, with accreditation from the Better Business Bureau.

Our highly trained staff of plastics experts, engineers, operators, and quality personnel ensures that we produce the highest quality parts.


Whatever your needs are, our team can help you achieve success.